Principal's Message

Mrs. Jennifer Service,  Principal

765.973.3442 Phone
765.973.3704 Fax

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Follow Mrs. Service on Twitter @Jenservice


Hello Lions!


Welcome to Fairview Elementary, one of 6 RCS elementary schools. We are honored you have checked in to see what is happening at the home of the Lions.  You have landed on the Principal's Corner.  Here you can learn more information, follow, and contact Jennifer Service; Principal of Fairview Elementary. 


I am currently in my 19th year with Richmond Community Schools.  I have been blessed with many opportunities with RCS including; K-4 teaching experiences, RCS District Reading Coach training , and an instructional coach.  All of these experiences have helped mold tme to who I am today. This is my first year as an RCS administrator.   




I invite you to visit our school via social media by following us on Twitter @ABetterFairview .  Keep up to date with current events on our Facebook  


Thank you for visiting,  

Mrs. Jennifer Service